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To make this site truely useful to all Pearson owners I need material on all Pearson models. If you have material you can contribute please email me. I want info specific to particular pearson models (e.g. P26 rudder bushings), not generic boat info (e.g. what bottom paint you like). If you have original materials but don't have a way or the knowledge to scan them you can mail them to me and I will make high quality scans and return them to you. Email me to discuss it, I may already have what you have.

I would like the following types of info:
Pearson Sail Boat Models
|| By Length | By Year | By Type ||

Copyright ©2002-2009 Dan Pfeiffer
Email comments and corrections to:

How to submit material

I would like representative photos of each model. I am not trying to have photos of every individual boat, there is not space for that. I would like a series that shows the exterior of the boat, the deck and cockpit, the underbody, and some shots of the interior. A shot of the engine installation would also be good. If you have a scanner or digital camera I would like photos in JPG format and sized to about 300x500 pixels at the largest. That means they fit easily on the computer screen. For a 4x6" print that means a scanning resolution of about 75 dpi. If you have prints but no way to scan them you can send them to me and I will scan them and send them back.

Most Pearsons came with large drawings (about 24x36"). If you have these you can take them to a copy shop (like Kinko's) and make small copies of them. You can reduce them to a standard sheet size that can be scanned. You can send me the scans or send my the photo copies and I can scan them. Or you can send the large drawing and I will copy/scan it and return it to you.

I would like scans of all the brochures Pearson published. I have a lot from the early 80's already. If you have ones that I am missing you can send me scans. The most preferred way to scan the brochures would be at 150 dpi (
Click to see why) in a tiff file and send them to me on CD. Then I will convert to JPG for the web site. Or you can scan and send JPG, but go easy on the compression to preserve quality. I will create more compressed versions for the site and keep the high quality ones for the future when space and bandwidth allow the larger files. A good scan of a typical brochure page will be in the 600kb size range for a good quality jpg file. The TIFF will be about 6MB so don't even think about emailing that to me. I can take it on CD or ZIP. If you have no way to scan them you can send them to me and I will scan them and send them back.
More info on scanning brochures

Owners manuals
These are tougher. Scanning is pretty cumbersome and if your manual is like the one I have for my 10M it's not really that useful. Email me to discuss it. I have not seen any later manuals and they may be better. Parts catalogs have some useful info but Pearson is out of business so they won't be taking orders.

Race packet info (particularly IMS info)
Copies of IMS rating sheets, polar plots and stability info would be great. I don't want PHRF certificates, but I would like to know about PHRF ratings in your area.

Maintenance issues (e.g. P26 rudder bushings)
This is the really useful part of this collection (or at least I hope it will be). There are many maintenance issues that seem specific to particular models but actually have crossover to others. The 10M mast step has a corrosion problem that is also seen in the 323 and 365 and some others. I want to create a cross referenced list of these maintenance items and sources for help in dealing with them. This is a big project and will take some time. Don't send info on what type of wax you used for the topsides. That is too generic.

Engine re-powering info
Send me accounts of your re-powering project and I will include them on the page for your model and cross reference them for similar models.

Rigging info
By now the rigging on just about every Pearson made should probably have been replaced at least once. If there are specific issues you can contribute information on please send it in.

Owners comments
Send in your comments about your model and they will be added to the page for that model. Likes, dislikes, performance tips, etc. A paragraph or two would be great.

Copyright ©2002 Dan Pfeiffer
Email comments and corrections to: